Thursday, April 5, 2012

Breanna-isms #1

Bre is really into drawing, painting, & coloring.  I love watching her creativity develop.  Today she started drawing a picture, so I asked her what she was drawing....

Drawing #1:

Bre: "I am drawing you and Daddy at your wedding...I'm in your tummy"
Me: "No, Breanna, you were not in my tummy at our wedding.  That happened much later"
Bre: "I know"

Drawing #2:

Me: "Now what are you drawing?"
Bre: "The car where I started being in your tummy.  You were going home in it after your wedding. It took a long long time to get where you were going."

This is where I bust up laughing!  I did say it happened much later.  This shall be a conversation for another time...

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